Graduate Portfolio

Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language

Learning Outcome 8

"Students will demonstrate the ability to express thoughts in writing and orally; to develop and support ideas, synthesize information, present information clearly in papers and oral presentations, and to follow conventions of the discipline for citations."

        The ability to present information in a clear, concise manner is an essential skill that is needed to contribute to the professional field. The process of submitting an article to an English teaching journal requires correctly used citations and an adherence to word limits set by the publisher. There are also time limits for oral presentations at professional conferences that must be met by the participants. Therefore, to become a contributing member of the professional community, it is necessary to be able to follow guidelines and requirements and properly cite all sources.

        Over the course of my two years in the Peace Corps, I have    had ample opportunities to present on various topics related to  the EFL field. One of the main responsibilities as a TEFL  volunteer in Ecuador is to offer teacher training conferences for  English teachers throughout the country. Through these  presentations, I have gained experience presenting topics in a  professional setting within a two-hour time frame. I presented on topics including the communicative approach, listening activities, rubrics, differentiated learning, using projects in the classroom, and essay writing. 
        Recently, I submitted an academic article to a journal called English Teaching Forum. This process emphasized the importance of using concise language because there are many limitations and requirements for the length and information included in the article submission. I have also become familiar with both APA and Chicago MLA style citations. Below you can find an academic paper that I wrote for the Introduction to Sociolinguistics course on the endangered Quechua language using APA citations as well as the article using Chicago MLA citations that I recently submitted to the English Teaching Forum journal on Error Correction.

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